Green Energy Support

Non-domestic Renewable Heat Incentive

Non-domestic Renewable Heat Incentive Does your building generate heat using renewable technology? If your building has a renewable heating system such as an air or ground source heat pump, it may qualify to earn a tariff under the Non-domestic Renewable Heat Incentive (RHI). The Non-domestic Renewable Heat Incentive is a government incentive scheme that aims … Continue reading Non-domestic Renewable Heat Incentive

Feed-in Tariff

Feed-in Tariff Would you like to earn money for generating your own renewable electricity? If you own a property with solar panels, wind turbines or another eligible system, you may be able to earn a tariff for generating and exporting clean energy. The Feed-in Tariff allows you to earn money for the energy you generate … Continue reading Feed-in Tariff

Domestic Renewable Heat Incentive

Domestic Renewable Heat Incentive Does your home generate heat using renewable technology, such as a ground or air source heat pump? If you use renewable heating technology, you may be eligible for the Domestic Renewable Heat Incentive (RHI). The Domestic RHI is an incentive scheme carried out by the government to promote renewable heating technology. … Continue reading Domestic Renewable Heat Incentive