Benefits of LED Lighting

Benefits of LED Lighting

Over the last decade, LED lighting – light bulbs that use the LED technology typically seen in consumer electronics – have grown from a rare, energy efficient choice into a widely used lighting option for homes, businesses and organisations.

LED light bulbs have a wide range of benefits. They’re energy efficient, capable of producing a large amount of light at a low wattage. They’re also affordable in the long term, with lower long-term costs than fluorescent or incandescent lights.

But did you know that LED lighting is also perfect for productivity? Or that it has a positive effect on your health, compared to fluorescent light? Or that LED lights are more durable than other light bulbs?

The benefits of LED lighting are extensive, and range from obvious benefits to ones you may never have considered. Read on to discover seven of the biggest benefits of using LED lighting in your home, office or building.

Energy Efficient

LED lighting is extremely energy efficient. Most LED light bulbs use only a fraction as much light as a similar fluorescent or incandescent light bulb, making them far less of a drain on your building’s energy consumption.

On average, LED light bulbs are four to five times as efficient as incandescent lights and measurably more efficient than fluorescent lighting, based on their rating using the Lumen system.

LED lighting is also capable of producing a large amount of light at a lower wattage than conventional lighting. Widely available LED lights produce between 46 and 75 lumens per watt, versus 16.7 to 19.8 lumens per watt for incandescent lighting.

This energy efficiency has several benefits for your home or building. If you have a solar energy system, the reduced electrical consumption of LED lighting can make achieving electricity independence far easier.

If you depend on grid power, the reduced electrical consumption of LED lighting can lower your energy costs, resulting in a significant saving over the course of the year, particularly in homes and buildings that are lit throughout the evening and night.

Built to Last

Many people view LED lighting as an expensive option, largely because the cost of a single LED light bulb is significantly higher than the cost of a single incandescent or fluorescent bulb.

Over the long term, however, LED lighting is far more affordable than conventional light bulbs, both in the cost of the lighting equipment itself and the lower amount of electricity it consumes.

This is because LED light bulbs are designed and built to last. While an incandescent light typically only lasts for 1,000 hours, LED lighting is designed to last for between 25,000 and 50,000 of continuous use.

LED lights also last longer than fluorescent lighting. On average, fluorescent lighting provides approximately 6,000 to 15,000 of use. Although LED light bulbs cost more, they can last for up to eight times as long as fluorescent light bulbs.

In addition to this, LED lights don’t “burn out” as other light bulbs do. Over time, an LED light bulb becomes less effective. LED lights are considered “worn out” as they approach a loss of 30% of their effectiveness, as measured in lumens.

Extremely Affordable

LED lighting not only lasts for a long time – it also costs very little to run. Because of the incredible energy efficiency of LED light bulbs, switching to LED light can result in savings of hundreds of pounds per year for most houses and apartments.

On average, UK homeowners save £240 per year by replacing incandescent lighting with LED lighting. Even switching from energy efficient light bulbs results in savings of £27 per year in reduced electricity consumption alone.

The figures above do not take into account the fact that LED light bulbs last longer than incandescent of energy efficient bulbs, making the cost of replacing bulbs far lower over a long-term period.

While the savings are significant for homeowners, they’re bigger for businesses and organisations with serious lighting needs. The greater a business’s artificial lighting requirements, the more it can save by switching to LED light bulbs.

Many businesses can lower their lighting energy consumption by 75% by switching to LED lighting. Over the course of a decade, this can result in savings of hundreds of thousands of pounds for businesses with large artificial lighting needs.

Learn more about the savings you could achieve using LED lighting in our How Much Does LED Lighting Cost? guide.

Highly Durable

Because LED lights use proven technology and have a simple design, they’re highly durable and rarely fail. While not all LED light bulbs achieve 50,000 hours of usage, most LED lights are supported by confident, effective manufacturer warranties.

This great durability has several benefits for end users. Since LED light bulbs last a long time and use a durable design and materials, they rarely need to be replaced early, compared incandescent or fluorescent light bulbs.

LED lights are also significantly safer than incandescent lights. Since they produce a fraction as much heat, LED light bulbs are less of a fire risk and are less likely to lead to burns and injuries during replacement or removal.

Learn more about how LED lighting works in our How LED Lighting Works guide.

Ideal for Productivity

Did you know that LED lighting could make you more productive? LED lights have a measurable positive effect on productivity and focus, particularly for demanding or challenging tasks such as reading, learning and working.

Research from the University of Michigan’s Ross School of Business indicates that a clear increase in productivity and workplace output can be observed in commercial buildings that use LED lighting.

Professor Achyuta Adhvaryu, who conducted the research, found that because LED lighting doesn’t affect workplace temperature, it results in increased efficiency in a commercial setting – in the study’s case, 25 separate garment factories.

Other research has confirmed the link. Because LED lighting emits white light, which is similar to natural daylight, it has none of the negative effects on productivity that have been observed in buildings lit using fluorescent light bulbs.

Interestingly, LED lighting has also been linked to an increase in mood. People that work in buildings lit using LEDs are less likely to experience “burn out” during the work day and typically report a better-than-average overall mood.

Amazingly Versatile

Because LEDs are so small, they’re amazingly versatile. LED lighting is used not only for visibility and general lighting – it’s also used for architectural downlighting in an incredible range of settings and projects.

LEDs are also widely used in lamps, appliances and consumer electronics. LEDs are easy to install as strips beneath cabinets, tablets and other furniture. They’re also a great tool for lighting staircases, hallways and other potentially dangerous areas.

Since LEDs create directional light, they’re fantastic tools for lighting specific items or features within a room. LED downlighting can be used to light kitchen counters, work desks, dining tables and other important areas within an interior space.

Best of all, modern LED lighting is compatible with electronic dimmers, making it easy to control the intensity of light. This means that LED lighting can be used as a replacement for traditional lighting and for situational, directional lighting.

Environmentally Friendly

Not only are LED lights energy efficient and inexpensive – LED lighting also contains no toxic chemicals. This makes it a much more environmentally friendly option than fluorescent lights, which contain hazardous substances such as mercury.

Since LED lights last for significantly longer than incandescent and fluorescent light bulbs, they produce less waste. They’re also easy to recycle, as LED lights contain no hazardous or toxic materials that can damage the environment.

LED lighting is also good for the local environment. LEDs produce an incredibly tiny amount of ultraviolet (UV) radiation, making them a dependable option for storage facilities and industrial buildings that contain UV-sensitive products and materials.

Make the switch to LED lighting

Would you like to spend less to light your home or building? LED lighting is a cost effective, long-lasting and environmentally friendly alternative to fluorescent and incandescent lighting.

Switching to LED lighting could save you as much as £240 per year as a homeowner and significantly more as a business. You also benefit from a measurable increase in productivity made possible by the healthy light emitted from LEDs.

We specialise in energy efficient lighting and renewable energy and can help you make the switch to LED lighting. Our team of experts have provided LED lighting equipment, advice and assistance to homeowners and businesses alike.

Would you like to make the switch and lower your electricity bills? Contact us to learn more about the advantages of switching to LED lights and the LED lighting products available for your home or business.