Micro-CHP Systems

Micro-CHP Systems

Would you like to generate electricity using your boiler? Micro combined heat and power technology – more commonly referred to as micro-CHP – generates heat via conventional fossil fuels such as gas, while also generating clean electricity.

Although the technology in a micro-CHP boiler is sophisticated, the principle behind micro-CHP energy is very simple. Micro-CHP involves creating electricity using heat produced by a conventional boiler or fuel cell that powers an electrical turbine.

Since micro-CHP systems use fossil fuels such as gas to generate heat and electricity, they aren’t strictly renewable. Despite this, they’re far more efficient than the typical methods of generating heat or electricity from fossil fuels or the national grid.

Switching to a micro-CHP boiler can reduce your energy bills by giving your home a source of cleaner, cheaper electricity. Since micro-CHP is eligible for Feed-in Tariffs, you can also earn money by generating and exporting electricity from your boiler.

Micro-CHP technology has been used for years in heavy industry, as well as public buildings such as hospitals. It’s only recently that micro-CHP (also referred to as cogeneration) technology has become available to residential users.

There are several different micro-CHP systems available today, ranging from boilers with a conventional design that use fossil fuels such as gas and LPG and new fuel cell technology that offer greater efficiency.

How does micro-CHP technology work?

The principle behind micro-CHP technology is very simple. Most boilers burn fossil fuels such as natural gas to generate heat, typically for a radiator or to provide hot water for a home or commercial building, generating no electricity in the process.

A micro-CHP system creates electricity and heat at the same time. The system runs on natural gas or LPG, which is burned to generate heat. This heat can power your home’s heating system or provide a steady supply of hot water.

While the system is generating heat, it’s also working to generate electricity. This electricity can be used to power lighting or appliances in your home, or stored for use later. It can also be exported back onto the national grid as excess electricity.

Micro-CHP systems are designed to be as efficient as possible, providing your home or commercial building with a steady supply of electricity and heat while using only a small amount of fossil fuels.

Because micro-CHP systems generate electricity as a by-product of heat generation, they’re most efficient during winter. During summer, your home can use electricity from the national grid or an alternative energy source such as solar PV panels.

Micro-CHP systems are available in a variety of sizes, from small systems capable of generating one to two kilowatts for home use, all the way up to large systems aimed at industrial facilities, commercial buildings, schools and hospitals.

Does a micro-CHP system produce renewable energy?

Since micro-CHP systems use non-renewable fuels like LPG and natural gas, they’re not technically a renewable energy option. However, since micro-CHP systems are highly efficient, they still qualify for the government’s Feed-in Tariff system.

Micro-CHP systems are highly efficient, generating heat and electricity with fewer emissions than a home would create by powering a conventional gas boiler while drawing its electricity from the national grid.

This means that by switching to micro-CHP, your home or building with lower its carbon dioxide emissions and reduce the amount of money it spends on electricity and heating.

What are the benefits of micro-CHP?

From cost savings to a reduced carbon output, there are several benefits of changing from a conventional boiler to a micro-CHP system:

  • Micro-CHP systems are extremely efficient and typically use fewer fossil fuels than a conventional boiler and electrical connection to the national grid.
  • Micro-CHP systems are extremely affordable and produce free energy while heating your home.
  • Since most residential micro-CHP systems are eligible for the Feed-in Tariff, you can earn money by generating and exporting electricity to offset the cost of powering your home.
  • Micro-CHP systems are designed to operate efficiently without any additional maintenance, making them as reliable as a conventional boiler.

Can a micro-CHP system power an entire home?

Micro-CHP systems are highly efficient, but they may not be able to supply enough electricity to power your home independently in all conditions.

Since micro-CHP systems generate electricity as a by-product of the heating process, they can generate a greater amount of electricity during cool winter weather than at the peak of summer.

This means that you’ll need to operate your micro-CHP system in order to generate electricity. In summer, when heating isn’t required, a micro-CHP system might only generate a fraction as much electricity as it does under heavy use in winter.

Normally, a micro-CHP system will generate enough electricity to power appliances and lighting. Switching on an oven or large television, however, might require your home to draw electricity from the national grid.

Installing a micro-CHP system can significant reduce your home’s energy bills and generate money from the Feed-in Tariff. However, it may not be able to power your entire home, particularly outside of winter.

Are you interested in micro-CHP?

Does your property have a conventional boiler? If you’d like to lower the amount of electricity your property draws from the national grid and become greener, using a micro-CHP system is a great way to start.

Since micro-CHP systems are highly efficient, they can help reduce your emissions while providing a cost-effective source of electricity that qualifies for the Feed-in Tariff scheme.

We offer high quality micro-CHP systems for residential and commercial use. Our renewable energy experts can provide more information about the best micro-CHP system for your property.

Contact us now to speak to our renewable energy experts and learn more about the micro-CHP and other renewable energy options available for your property.